Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mom did not pass her swallow study today. As a result, she will not have her diet advanced to included more textured foods. She was given some exercises which should improve the strength and coordination of her tongue and other swallowing muscles. On a brighter note, she did walk a short distance independently in her living room. In addition she went up and down her stairs just holding the railing (the physical therapist stayed close).

Bob continues to have back pain. He had an MRI recently which showed that he had several herniated discs. He is eager for his appointment next week so he can begin physical therapy for this problem.

Kimberly will be visiting this week.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mom is evidently eating better. As a result she is scheduled to have a barium swallow study to assess whether she can advance her diet to a normal diet. In addition she had her feeding tube removed today after waiting for 3 hours and getting steamed. Mom even said it was "hell" waiting to get the paperwork done. When the tube finally came out it was easy and only took 5 or 10 minutes. Her other therapies are going well. She is transferring to the car much more easily. Thank you for every one's ongoing concern and prayers.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mom has done well in her first week at home. There have been some challenges, but on balance she continues to show slow, gradual improvement. She is eating better. She understands that if she eats 75 % of what is recommended then she does not need supplemental nutrition given through her PEG. She eats right up to 75 % then stops. She has had home physical and occupational therapy. The speech therapist has evaluated her and will begin in-home therapy soon. She also get visits from a nurse who assesses her general health and an aide who helps bathe her.

Bob is feeling better after developing some back pain earlier this week as a result of getting out of bed frequently at night to help mom. Next week will present new challenges in that Bob will get to take her to some doctors appointments.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shawn and mom today.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunday morning at the Lawton's. Bob had just returned from his church duties. Mom stayed home--some people will go to great lengths to get out of church.

Arriving at home.

Mom's exodus.

Packing up to leave the hospital for good.
Mom's first night went well. She only got up twice. However, her second night she woke about every hour. As a result Bob is quite tired today and his back is sore. The home health aide came this morning and helped to give mom a bath. Then this afternoon her home health speech therapist made her first visit. Tomorrow home physical therapy will start. Mom is eating somewhat better today but needs lots of encouragement to meet her target intake. We are thrilled with mom's progress. Andrea and I have returned to Boise. Today Shawn is in Orem. Tomorrow Shawn and Katya will help. Bob appreciates all the help. We appreciate his good care.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mom came home today! Andrea and I arrived last night to help. I had not seen mom since the first weekend in April. It is amazing to see how much progress she has made. She communicates well. She seems to be confused less often. We took some photos which we will post after we return to Boise. Bob and mom met with the home health service who will begin her home therapies on Monday the 11th.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mom had her her PEG replaced in a different location today. The site is leaking a little, so she will stay overnight and hopefully go home tomorrow. Her medications have been simplified. She continues to show improvement in all her therapies.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mom had her highest score yet on her cognitive testing. Her care team is still working on resolving her feeding tube issues. Unfortunately she is not eating enough to maintain the nutritional levels she needs.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The discharge plan remains the same. Mom is being discharged on Friday, May 8th. Bob is in the process of finding a home health company to provide in-home physical, occupational and speech therapy for the next 2 or 3 weeks. After which mom will get her therapies at an outpatient rehab clinic. I have asked her care team to review mom's medications in order to simplify her regimen. Both her physician and pharmacist will do this.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Bob and Kim report that mom did better than expected Saturday night when she was able to spend time at her home. Bob got a little sleep. The feeding tube has been bothering mom but it was adjusted today and it does not seem to be causing as much irritation. We are hopeful that mom will begin to eat enough by mouth that she will no longer need the supplemental nutrition through the tube. She continues to do better with her therapies but she is quite anxious about falling. We will likely need to encourage her a lot after she goes home so she does not become too sedentary. Her care team meets again tomorrow then Bob will get a report.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Mom is walking more with a walker and spotters. The therapists no longer have to hold her while she walks but they do follow closely in case she falls. The home visit from occupational therapy went well--they just need to get a raised toilet seat and safety railings for the bathroom. They will also have to store all the throw rugs.