Thursday, February 19, 2009

We learned more about mom's injuries today. She evidently has 6 rib fractures and several vertebral (backbone) fractures. These are quite painful but should heal over time.

When patients are immobile they can develop clots in their legs. These clots can dislodge and travel through the veins. Occassionally they can enter the lungs which is a serious problem. Because of Mom's immobility she is at risk for this to occur. As a result a filter was placed in her inferior vena cava (the vein that enters the heart from the lower body) to prevent this potential complication.

Kim is now in Idaho Falls to help. Mom had several other visitors today. Portia Loosli, Michelle Loosli, Norma Andrus and Todd Loosli all visited. Jonathan and Jenny Lawton along with their children arrived tonight.


  1. Thank you for doing the blog. It helps us know what is going on. David & Cathy Lacy (Bob's niece) 626-332-9920

  2. Thank you for doing this blog. Janis called me to tell me that Ann and Bob had been in an accident but she didn't know how serious. I am shocked to know of the seriousness of the accident. Our love and prayers are with Bob and Ann and the family. I am happy that Bob is doing OK and pray for full recovery for my dear friend Ann Marie. Cathy Taylor
