Monday, March 30, 2009

Mom has had a good day today. Bob reports that she was off the supplemental oxygen from 9 am to 5 pm. After 5 pm her oxygen level fell a little below 90 % so they restarted the nasal canula. She evidently talked a lot today. Her long term memory seemed intact. For example, she was able to converse freely about Harmon Killebrew (Hall of Fame baseball player from Idaho) and how much Shawn loves the Vikings. She even asked about the accident for the first time. Lastly, she got a haircut and Bob said she looks great. He will be sending photos for me to post. We are still awaiting the neurology and orthopedic consultations.


  1. Ann Marie is looking much better. I so appreciate the up-dates. Now that she is talking does that mean that she has the Trac out? We continue to pray for you all.

  2. See previous posts. The trach came out several days ago.
