Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mom returned to the operating room today for two procedures. First, she had a skin graft to cover the wound on her left forearm that was left open to prevent a compartment syndrome (i.e. to prevent excess swelling within a closed space which wound have damaged her arm further). Secondly, the plastic surgeon pinned some of the fractures in her right hand so these bones wound heal in better alignment. She did well with both procedures. When she wakes up, her diet will be advanced.


  1. Thank you for the update. We are so glad to hear that this last surgery went so well. We are thrilled to know that Annmarie is eating and off the ventilator, she is doing really well and you up dates on even little moments of progress lifts our spirits. You are all in our prayers, with love, Kent and Pat Larkin

  2. Ploase know you all are still in our prayers AND fasting.....more than once.

    The BYU stake misses Bob and Ann Marie but the combined faith of 1500 latter-day warriors is of immense value to be sure! Please give our love to those two valiant latter=day warriors. We love you!
