Friday, February 27, 2009

Mom had an eventful day. She had her chest tube removed. This was the tube that drained the space between her left lung and chest wall. She is no longer on the sedative (propofol) or the pain reliever (fentanyl).

She is not yet strong enough to breathe on her own so she had a tracheostomy tube (trach) placed today. The breathing tube that entered her mouth was removed and now one is placed through her neck. This may sound like a set back but it is not. This trach allows us to see her face and she can try to mouth words. The trach also will allow her to be more mobile and to do more things as she gets stronger. I have several patients with trachs who go about their daily activities at home.

Kimberly left today and I arrived at mom's bedside late tonight. She looked much better than when I last saw her on Monday the 23rd. The swelling is dramatically decreased. The bruising on her face has resolved. Most surprising to me was that she opened her eyes and smiled. She then started to mouth words. I think she said "thank you." I nearly broke down in tears--I was so happy and grateful. I called Shawn and Kim who spoke to her on the telephone. During these conversations mom smiled and tried to mouth words. I tried to call Bob but he was already asleep. It must be torture for mom not to be able to speak. We will take her photo tomorrow then post in on Monday night when we return to Boise.

The next step will probably be to place a PEG. I will speak to her caregivers tomorrow to see when and if they plan to do this. A PEG is a feeding tube placed across the skin directly into the stomach. After placement of the PEG she will no longer need her current feeding tube which enters her nose and ends in her intestines. It will take some time before she is strong enough to eat on her own.

What a great day!


  1. Ben, thank you so much for the great up-date. Please tell your mother that we continue to remember her in our prayers and think of her ofter throughout the day. What a special friend she is to all who know her.
    Cathy Taylor

  2. Of course she would say Thank You first - she is so appreciative of everything you are doing. She is a great lady.
