Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mom has had a good day. She has opened her eyes several times. Her sedation was decreased by 50 %. She has been initiating her own breaths but is still on the ventilator. She now has a splint on her right hand. Overall she is improving slowly.

Bob has also had a good day. His stritches were taken out. He discovered why his ankle is so swollen--he has a small fibula fracture (non weight bearing bone in the lower leg). This will not require casting and should heal nicely.

1 comment:

  1. My dear friend Ann Marie Lawton,
    I feel so sad seeing you and realizing how hurt you are. I want you to know that I am praying for your full recovery. I am looking forward to the day you and Bob come home.
    And thank you Ben for keeping us updated.
    Cathy Taylor
